How Oil & Gas Job Search can help

Personal Job Recommendations

Using our state of the art job matching process, we can recommend you jobs based on your previous searches, applications and CV and employment history making your search for the perfect role even easier.


Quick Apply

Easily apply to multiple jobs with one click! Quick Apply shows you recommended jobs based off your most recent search and allows you to apply to 25+ jobs in a matter of seconds!

Job Alert Emails

Keep track of positions that you’re interested in by signing up for job alert emails. You’ll be notifed via email when new jobs are posted in that search.

Oil & Gas

EORC has exceptional experience in the oil & gas sector, managing personnel and sourcing for a complete range of workforce solutions across the downstream, midstream and upstream markets. Having worked with most of the Middle East engineering project companies, our team can offer our clients the best in global engineering talent.

We are specialized consultants and our resources are skilled in the provision of both contract and permanent staffing. Our search methodology is a detailed process during which time we develop an in-depth understanding of our client’s requirements and culture to effectively allow us to operate as an extension of their business: we deliver a flexible and tailored workforce solution for optimum results. 


EORC uses its unique innovative model & tools to ensure the best service within shortest of deadlines. The company with their team of strategic partners reduce the lead time for the process cycle of the candidates. Over the years, EORC has developed a proven process that optimizes time and money.







Health care


Civil Infrasturcture


No:280, Ring Road, Housing Sector, Madhavaram, Near St.Joseph Academy, Chennai – 600 060,
Tamilnadu, India.

+91 9790955558/04448614246
